Monday, May 28, 2012

CQJP Update - May Block

I'm still plugging away on the CQJP for May. It's not finished but I've made some progress in the past few days.

I found a use for the little piece of rick rack I bought in Savannah - part of a small package of "vintage" scraps of ribbon and other goodies. 

This is my favorite. I like how it turned out.

This block is my mother's - this photo was taken when she was in her early twenties, I believe. I haven't decided what else to do here - probably use some narrow ribbon and beads as I have on other photos.

It's slow go with hand embroidery. Now I think I should have made smaller blocks!


  1. Your block looks lovely! I can hardly wait to see the full reveal. I love what you did with the rick rack and the ribbon. All of it looks wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Susan. I'm having some problems deciding what to do with Mom's photo. I'm not crazy about the crocheted trim around it. I'm thinking in this block I will remove the trim and leave the photo plain, but do a lot of embroidery around it. Not sure. But thanks for the nice comments.
