Monday, February 24, 2020

I haven't been very productive but did get some binding done for Debra and finished a table topper for my daughter. It's machine pieced but I hand quilted it.

Yesterday I finished a dress my other daughter was working on while she was out with friends.

One of my goals today - I set a lot of them and hope one or two get accomplished - is to list some of my old patterns on Etsy, and to get a couple of outfits up on Poshmark, something I tried a while back but got discouraged. I hate letting go of my clothes but I'm not wearing them and no, they do not bring me joy. LOL.

Have any of you watched The Great British Sewing Bee? I stumbled on it on Youtube. Someone named "HappyCat" has uploaded many of the episodes. It's quite interesting, especially the segment where the contestants are given a garment (usually) to reconstruct. In one episode, they had to use all of the waste fabric from their other projects. It is a lot of fun and like me, you'll probably put yourself in their place. I truly felt the panic as they would be within 5 minutes of their time running out, and trying to put in a zipper (or "zip").

It has the exact same format as the Great British Bake-off.  And the prize? A bouquet of flowers and a trophy - no cash.  Just the honor of winning. And the contestants are so helpful to each other. I'm thinking of Project Runway where the rule seemed to be sabotage and back stabbing!

I hope your weather is nicer than it is here -gray, cold, and rainy. I am heading to the library to pick up Olive Again by Elizabeth Strout, which I have been waiting on for months - even though I am just getting into The World We Knew, Alice Hoffman's latest book.

Still, I woke up this morning, so it's a great day!

Edited: I was just looking back at some old posts and on December 31, 2009 I pondered, What will blogging look like in 10 years?  I don't think anyone anticipated the impact of social media. I commented to my daughter a few weeks ago that it looks like vlogging has outrun blogging. She and I have even discussed starting a YouTube channel. Stay tuned.....


  1. A YouTube channel is a lot of work. I made an earnest stab at one last year with the "unboxing" of quilts but then promptly ran out of ideas. There is so much a person can do sometimes it is hard to stay focused.

    Let me know your Poshmark closet name. If you need help or advice I can offer both. I just noticed I've been working it for 2 years this month. It's also sad to see I still have some of the items I first listed.

    I'm thoroughly disgusted with Etsy. I finally did the figures on my last couple of sales and all their fees and commission added up to 30% of my sale. That's a hefty chunk.
